
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก พฤศจิกายน, 2022

#Urban Legend total 4

Top 10 Scary Slenderman Urban Legends 10. Dead Rats on the Wall This story is messed up. This whole saga was posted on Reddit No Sleep a few years ago by Redditor Moonbay. She said she went away with her husband to her Grandpa’s cabin and on their way up to the country, he husband cracked his classic Slenderman joke. When they got to the cabin, the girl saw scratch marks on one of the sides of the cabin, like someone had dragged a rake across the side of the house. She made a note to tell her grandpa but got on with her trip. That night, she heard something outside, like scratching. Her husband joked it was Slenderman again, but then said seriously that it must be rats and in the morning he would set up some pest control. IT turns it was indeed rats…..rats nailed to the cabin wall! The husband is a bit concerned but thinks it was kids playing a prank. The next night, there is scratching noises and heavy breathing and growling coming from outside the cabin and the pair both agree to

3 Suspected Serial Killers Who Were Taken Down

3 Suspected Serial Killers Who Were Taken Down by Potential Victims 3. Richard Marc Evonitz Monday September 9th, 1996 was a hot day in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. After school, sixteen-year-old Sophia Sylva was at home with her sister. Sophia decided to do her homework outside. She grabbed a can of soda and then whet and sat on her front porch. A short time later, her sister went outside and found her soda can and her homework on the top step of the porch, But Sophia wasn't there. Her sister assumed that she was just at her friend's home. When her parents arrived home, they both stepped over the soda can and the homework on their way into the house. When Sophia's family realized that no one has seen her for several hours, they became alarmed. The police and volunteers look for Sophia, but they can't find any trace of her. She was eventually found six weeks later in a shallow pond about 20 miles from her home. Her body had been wrapped in a blue quilted moving b